Saturday, February 14, 2009


After a few days of being haunted with such fervour of putting meaning to life. Wandering and lurking in a place where I found myself alone and no one, not even a soul, to spend time with. And now that I'm back in action. Wow! I can't still forget what happened while I was there. It just gave me moments to meditate and enjoy life with anything I got to see around. Absolutely not with people. I didn’t have a camera with me. I missed it so badly. A walk had helped me to keep a smile on my face.

While trying to expound creativity on my life's journey. If I sat in a place then I would just scribble paragraphs and later tear off the paper. But whatever I expected didn’t happen. What matters to me the most and what added to my renewed perspective in life today was the time I'd been able to hear inspirational thoughts coming from mom!! Who took her time out from her busy life just to share and help me believe that change is possible. And in these moments, my mom and I got to spend time together. We enjoyed a lot. Being dependent on each other. It had been quite a long time when I was able to stay close again like this with my mom... and to share a bed with her. Wow! Definitely a sweet one.

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